art workshops with wine

upcoming workshopsRED WINE ARTS

Look and discover what you don´t already know.
Interpret the unlimited sensorial dimensión of wine.

We invite you to come in contact with a natural origin wine product.
To create and experiment with unconventional materials and techniques.
To understand through the elaboration of  an ample color chart the possibilities of color and texture which  the wine offers us.
To know where the colors come from: extracted from the grapes first wine press, from the sediments or the wine poured directly from the bottle.
The diverse denominations of origin.
Through this experience you will develop and apply your creativity.
You will give incentive to the artesan work in you.
The importance of recycling will be valued.

A color chart elaborated on the base of wine products   Drowing with charcoal.

On a piece of paper  you will draw  a real or abstract sketch acording to the level of each participant and with the help of the teacher.

Painting the drawing using the color chart
Then we proceed to color the drawing taking in account the variety of color and texture which the color chart gives us.